Create Task API
The following APIs allow you to creat a task for a process.
Note: All the apis accept api key based token authentication and return data within the wrapper { _data:{}, _meta: {}, _errors:[] }
Create task
POST /v1/ext/p/<procedureShortId>/<processIdOrPrimaryKey>/task/<stateTaskShortId>
Following are valid examples of the path
POST /v1/ext/p/lead/LEAD-003750/task/call
POST /v1/ext/p/lead/c0089fef-52cf-4d33-ab5c-4403d69b40b4/task/call
POST /v1/ext/p/lead/LEAD-003750/task/meeting
Request Body
The API accepts a json request body
"data": {
"call_disposition": "RNR",
"next_call_time": "2023-11-15T09:30:00",
"remarks": "Couldnt reach out to the customer"
"status": "COMPLETED",
"assignedTo": ""
Request body parameters
Key | Notes |
data | pass the task data as an object. keys should be task attribute short ids |
status | the status of the task - can be one of OPEN, COMPLETED or CANCELLED. |
assignedTo | the username of the user to whom the task is assigne to |
curl --request POST \
--url \
--header 'authorization: Bearer <your_access_token>' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data '{
"data": {
"call_disposition": "RNR",
"next_call_time": "2023-11-15T09:30:00",
"remarks": "Couldnt reach out to the customer"
"status": "COMPLETED",
"assignedTo": ""