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Create Workflow Campaign

Workflow campaigns are how you can create multi-step campaigns. These are useful for creating camapigns like

  • Sales Sequences
  • Drip Campaigns
  • Conditional Campaigns

How to create?

  • Go the campaigns page
  • Click "Create Campaign"
  • Provide a campaign name
  • Select Workflow Campaign
  • This will create and open the campaign builder
  • Click the + button to add a new step
  • You can add whatsapp/email message step
  • Once added - the right hand panel will show various configurations for configuring the step
    • Message template selection
    • When to send the message
  • Once ready - do not forget to mark this campaign as active

Here is a video example of the same. Click to view the video Create Workflow Campaign

How to add existing leads to campaign

You can add existing leads to a camapign as follows

  • Go to Leads page
  • Select the leads that you want to add to a campaign
  • Click the Actions buttong from the top right action bar
  • Select "Add To Campaign"
  • Choose Cmapaign
  • Click Add

Add Leads To Campaign